contact form & Physical Activity readiness questionnaire
Please complete this form if we’ve sent you the link to this page, and familiarise yourself with our gym rules below.
If you come in early and there’s a class or PT still taking place, keep noise and talking to a minimum.
Do not walk in front of someone who is lifting or about to lift.
When training opposite someone, try to move out their line of sight when they are about to lift.
Drop the bar from no higher than hip height.
Don’t throw the bar off your shoulders onto the floor after squatting; re-rack it instead.
Avoid leaving discs on the floor whilst you are lifting. Don’t rest weights against the wall.
Load the bar correctly.
Clean bar, weights and platform after use, including removing all chalk from discs.
Bring your own chalk – but no liquid chalk.
Put all equipment back in the right place after use.
If you leave belongings at the gym (shoes, knee sleeves, chalk, straps, notebook), please store them in the right place and keep them clean.
All belongings are left at your own risk.
All coaching by Club coaches only.
Speak to your coach before maximal attempts at back squat and bench.