WORKSHOP 6TH JULY: Flexibility for Weightlifters
Date: Saturday 6th July
Time: 2pm
Duration: 3 hours
Venue: Hackney Weightlifting Club, Meeting Field Path, Hackney, London E9 6RU
Price: £40
How to book: email, or contact us through our website
Details: We’re holding our first ever workshop specifically to improve weightlifters' flexibility. You'll see immediate improvement in your squat, snatch and overhead squat positions, and be able to perform a straight-leg deadlift with legs that are actually straight. We'll take a before and after photo so you can see your improvement.
We've been testing one hamstring stretch on one of our lifters, who said: "I've been stretching for years but it's only since you gave me your hamstring stretch that I've been able to touch my toes for the first time in my life." Finally, a stretching method that works - and fast.
What makes this flexibility workshop different?
Firstly, it’s targeted specifically at weightlifters. We’ll focus especially on hips, ankles, shoulders, wrists - everything you need for squats, cleans, snatches and jerks.
Secondly, we use the Easy Flexibility technique, an astonishingly effective method we found that we were so impressed by, we qualified in it immediately. We’ve been getting great results with it and are excited to share it more widely.