Strong Stretch - Prehab and mobility workshop with Daphne

A chilled Sunday workshop with no heavy lifting! Aimed at Olympic weightlifters but also suitable for anyone who lifts and would like to improve flexibility, build some safeguards against future problems, and address common lifting niggles before they become bigger problems.

What to expect:

·     prehab movements to help mitigate the risk of injury in weightlifting

·     assorted types of stretching (Zaichik, Yin, loaded) to target the areas of the body that most need flexibility for lifting

·     stability work to improve performance and joint health

·     core strengthening to protect the back and to keep force directed into the bar for powerful jerks and stronger receiving positions

Sunday 27th November, 5pm - 7.30pm, Hackney Weight Lifting Club, E9 6RT

£60 - but early-bird price £50 if you book before 13th Nov

Book your place either online here from 13th Nov, or now by emailing

Amelia Alamo